AILA Tools Team Demo- SCISPACE (Wednesday 11/29 @ 10a-11a, Science Center Atrium)

The AILA Tools and Mentorship Team strives to be a resource for the Amherst community around cutting-edge AI tools. On Wednesday 11/29 from 10a-11a the Team will be tabling in the Science Center Atrium to demo SCISPACE a dynamic AI tool that can help with paraphrasing, citation creation and other tasks associated with academic research….

November 28th Newsletter

AILA logo next to "newsletter" vertically aligned

“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.” — Stephen Hawking Upcoming Events AILA Tools Team Demos SCISPACE; 11/29 @ 10a in Science Center Atrium The Mentorship and Tools team will be popping-up to demo SCISPACE,…

November 14th Newsletter

AILA logo next to "newsletter" vertically aligned

“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.” — Stephen Hawking Upcoming Events AILA Tools Team Demos SCISPACE; 11/28 @ 5p in Frost Library Cafe The Mentorship and Tools team will be popping-up to demo Scispace,…

ChatGPT, One Year Later (Dec. 6, 4:30p @ CHI ThinkTank)

Computer with ChatGPT on screen

Just one year ago, OpenAI released an early demo of a revolutionary new AI tool known as ChatGPT. From its application to customer service, healthcare, entertainment, and education, in the last year ChatGPT seems to have permeated what feels like every possible pore of society. Its popularity raises a number of questions about what the…

Hack the Herd 2023: Amherst’s First “Social Hackathon” (December 1st-2nd, 2023)

Do you want to make Amherst a better place? Do you have an interest in sustainability and AI technology? Want to win a $25 Amazon gift card? Then sign up for the first ever Amherst College social hackathon. Best described as an “invention marathon”, a hackathon is an intensely collaborative event where individuals or teams…

October 31st Newsletter

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“Open the pod bay doors, HAL.” [pause] “I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Upcoming Events AILA Tools Team Demos Wolfram Alpha Pro; 11/7 @ 5p in Frost Library Cafe The Mentorship and Tools team will be popping-up to demo Wolfram|Alpha Pro, an AI tool that focuses on…

Artificially Intelligent, Naturally Fair? — Panel Discussion on Equitable Algorithms

CSSI Ethical Algorithms Flyer

Join us online to learn about how research is addressing bias, discrimination, and ethical concerns in algorithm development. Our panel of experts will delve into the many challenges and opportunities, including the complexities behind the design of equitable algorithms, the biases they may unintentionally harbor, and the profound social implications they have….

October 17th Newsletter

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“We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.” — Alan Turing Upcoming Events The ChatGPT Café– Starting this week! In partnership with Amherst Information Technology, AILA is hosting a series of pop-up computer laboratories in October and November to offer members of the Amherst…

The ChatGPT Café

chatgpt cafe

In partnership with IT and the AI in the Liberal Arts (AILA) initiative, we are excited to bring the ChatGPT Café series to the Amherst community. In this series of informal exploratory pop-up cafés, faculty, staff, and students at Amherst College will have the opportunity to experiment with the latest paid versions of ChatGPT4 and reflect on their experiences. Come join us at…